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Many delays

It is amazing how to find time to do something is really scarce when you have a child! I could not use my computer in like 6 days.

I tried to start the course at Codecademy for Javascript on the 13th this month, but could only start it today. Anyway, I found it very basic and I think it will take some time to finish it.

I think I should start thinking on how to do the tic-tac-toe. Here is my plan:


Now, I have been thinking on what would be the issues I would have:

  • First would be to identify the region the user clicked, but this can also be solved using the simpler solution of just using plain html buttons and it’s events.
  • Second problem: identify when someone has won the game.
  • Shall I implement the AI?
  • Shall I try Unit Testing?

Well, I shall better continue reading about JS!


29-10-2014 Update: Started actually doing the Codeacademy course. Only could do 25% so far.

31-10-2014 Update: Continuing the CodeCademy course. It is very slow, but education wise seems good! (65 %) I hope I get to finish it in this weekend!

03-11-2014 Update: Finished the course on CodeCademy!

04-11-2014 Update: Started the repo, meanwhile not in GitHub, but in BitBucket. Check it here.

05-11-2014 Update: Still no GUI. Let’s think about it for a while, and then try to put into the next post!