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Patterns and Integrations

I admit that I am upset that I have to consume an API from a front-end application that reads like methods from something like Java methods. Something like whatever-domain.com/getBusinessAreas.

I hear arguments like no one will consume the link directly, or access this address directly. I am still not convinced it is a good practice.

Patterns, patterns, patterns…

Why do we have Patterns in the Software Industry? to communicate with other developers.

Just like design patterns, there are other types of patterns. The king of Pattern that was violated by the API mentioned before is called an Integration Pattern.

There are a lot of Integration Patterns, just to name some: RMI, SOAP, REST, Message Channels, Pipes, and many others. The ones I am interested here are SOAP and REST.

Choosing between SOAP and REST


SOAP exposes a service, by using a Service Descriptor (right, the WSDL file). All communication is via this service, and it uses an XML “Envelope”.

SOAP in the web came in disuse. I will not say it is dead, a lot of services still use it. Eg: Jira.

I still believe it might be useful in some scenarios. But I am quite sure it not designed for UI-centric consumptions such as browser consumption. So, if a front-end in HTML5 will consume, do not go for SOAP.


It is an Architecture Style. Every RESTful service must respect certain constraints: Client-Server, Stateless, Cacheable, Layered System and Uniform Interface.

A simple example: putting the previous service to REST.

The example from the beginning of this post, could have easily have been named as: GET /BusinessAreas. It would retrieve the list of “Business Areas” that exist in the system.

We could have retrieved the details of one specific, like BusinessArea “1” simply by GET /BusinessAreas/1.

To create a new “Business Area”, we could use POST /BusinessAreas/. In the body of the POST we send the details required to create one.

To update the details for a given business area, we could use PUT /BusinessAreas/1

At last, in order to delete one Business Area, we could use DELETE /BusinessAreas/1. The example would have updated Business Area 1.


The REST approach allowed to remove the ugly camelCase Java like. But actually, the architectural style significantly improves the readability of the service. Imagine you have more entities, they would all follow the same pattern for access.

Does it look simpler? To me at least, yes. It looks a lot better thanks to uniform access pattern gained by following a simple standard.